Monday, August 17, 2009

Our Baby Girl Is 4 Months Old!!!

Woo Hoo! I made it just in time for Eleni's 4 Month Birthday post!!! Ari and I had an amazing weekend in Palm Springs (pictures soon to come) and now we are back home and getting back into the swing of daily life. Eleni had her 4 Month check up today and she is doing great. She is just about 14 lbs and 25.5 inches long (the 80th percentile for her height!!). Awwwww our little bean pole. ;) The doctor said that Eleni can start on "solids" when ever we like. We will start with rice cereal, then move to veggies, and then on to fruit!! How exciting! The doctor also checked out her gums and said that we will probably see the start of a couple of teeth coming through within the next couple of weeks. We can't believe how quickly she is growing up!!! Just a couple of pics from my parent's house this weekend....XOXO

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